Most airlines and international pet couriers reject brachycephalic dogs and cats as a flight risk. For 50years we have been known as the only international pet transporters in NZ that can safely get your brachycephalic pets into the UK, Europe, Asia, USA, UAE, Africa, India, and Australia! We love your brachycephalic cats and dogs as much you do! Airlines avoid flying snubnosed dogs and cats due to their reduced ability to regulate body temperatures and propensity for respiratory distress. In our 50years of international pet travel experience, we know snubnosed pets require greater ventilation in their travel crates to compensate for their broadhead / shortnose skull structure. We assist you with crate training to reduce anxiety induced respiratory distress. There are other safety measures to ensure successful delivery of your brachycephalic pet to your end destination, without qarantine. We plan the most direct routes possible that offer minimal temperature and humidity changes for your snubnosed pet on brachycephalic breed friendly airline carriers. To date, the most brachycephalic friendly direct route to UK or Europe was with United Airlines who will cease operations here mid April until October 30 Whilst every airline has their own list of brachycephalic dogs and cats, which they change and update regularly. Here is a comprehensive list of brachycephalic dogs and dog breeds with brachycephalic tendencies from Air New Zealand: Affenpincher, American Bulldog, American Cocker Spaniel, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Brussels Griffon, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua (apple headed), Chow Chow, Dogo Argentino, Dogue de Bordeaux, French Bulldog, Japanese Chin, Lhasa Apso, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Pekingese, Presa Canario, Pug, Shap-Pei, Shih Tzu and Tibetan Spaniel. The Air New Zealand list of brachycephalic cats and cat breeds with brachycephalic tendencies is officially limited to Persian cats, but in practise also includes: British Shorthair cat, Burmese cat, Exotic Shorthair cat including British Blue cat, Himalayan cat, and Scottish Fold cat. As the most brachycephalic friendly airline, United Airline will shortly cease operations in New Zealand, extra planning and attention to detail will be need to fly snubnosed breeds overseas from NZ. Different flight routes will need to be planned and prices may vary depending on your destination. It will still be possible to move your snubnosed pets internationally but it will require more time. Ask us how we can help fly your brachycephalic pets overseas today to start planning your future move now.
June 2022